Vaccines are Permissible; Differing on the Topic Ended Long Ago, as Salafi Scholars Have Said

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

Recently, we learned from our respected scholar, Shaykh ‘Abdullah al-Bukhary (may Allah preserve him), that the scholarly differing over the permissibility of vaccines had actually come to an end long ago, when he informed us:

 فقد تكلم أهل العلم حول هذه القضية منذ زمن طويل لما بدأ ظهر أمر اللقاحات حصل بين ذلك أخذ وعطاء فيما مضى، ثم استقر الأمر على أن هذا الأمر من الأمور التي لا تنافي التوكل ولا تضادُّه، إنما هي من الأخذ بالأسباب الشرعية

“…The people of knowledge have indeed spoken about this issue, a long time ago, when the issue of vaccinations first came about. Some back and forth discussion took place in the past, until the matter was settled, that this is one of those issues that does not invalidate tawakkul (trusting Allah) nor contradict it. It is merely an issue of taking legislated steps [of safety]…”

Source: The recently published article, “Is it Sinful to Discourage People From Taking the Covid-19 Vaccine?” (click here to read)

This was surprising for many to learn about, as some had presumed that the scholars still differed over this topic. One might say: “Perhaps Shaykh Abdullah al-Bukhary misspoke when saying this, as we have not heard this from the people of knowledge (other than him), and claiming consensus is a very serious issue, as an established consensus among the scholars actually ends the discussion.”  Continue reading

Exposing the Fake Story of Salmaan Refusing to Obey ‘Umar

[In the name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…]

The Khawaarij of this era, those who promote political turmoil and rebellion in the name of “activism” and “freedom of speech”, have spread the following false narration:

Ibn Qutaybah said in his book, ‘Uyoon al-Akhbaar:

Al-‘Utbi [d.228] said that ‘Umar received some war booty, two-piece garments. He distributed those things among the people. He went up on the Minbar and he had a complete set himself (both pieces). So he said “Oh people, will you not listen?” So Salmaan said: “We will not listen!” ‘Umar asked, “Why, O Father of ‘Abdullaah [meaning Salmaan]!?” He said, “Because you distributed the garments to us, one garment for each person, yet you have a whole set (i.e. two garments).” ‘Umar said, “Don’t be so hasty, oh Abaa ‘Abdillah,” and he called out, “Oh, ‘Abdullaah!” Nobody answered him. So he said, “Oh ‘Abdullaah bin ‘Umar!” His son responded, “At your service, O Commander of the Faithful!” Umar said, “I ask you, by Allaah, as a witness: The garment I’m wearing as an ezaar (the lower part), is it yours?” He replied, “Allaahumma Na’am (Yes).” Salmaan, may Allaah be pleased with him, then said, “OK, so now we will obey you!”

Shaykh Rabee’ ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee (may Allaah preserve him) explained the falsehood of this story. The following is a summary of his writings on the topic:

This is how al-‘Utbi narrated this, without any chain. And it’s been mentioned in the sittings of dictation that were recorded from ibn Durayd, #132, in the same way, without a chain. Ibn al-Jowzee also put it in his book: Sifatus Safwa with no chain. So this fable is rejected from the following angles:

Firstly, it has no chain from al-‘Utbi to ‘Umar and Salmaan, may Allaah be pleased with both of them. There is a huge gap in time between ‘Umar (and Salmaan) and this ‘Utbi. You would break the necks of camels trying to make that distance! [more than 200 years of broken chain!]

The second issue is that this ‘Utbi is Continue reading

How Many Rak’ahs Did the Salaf Pray for Taraaweeh?

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Ever-Merciful…

A Great Third-Century Imaam of the Sunnah Gathered the Narrations of the Salaf Regarding How Many Rak’ahs They Prayed or Preferred for the Taraaweeh Prayers of Ramadhaan

The highly celebrated imaam, Shaykh al-Islaam Aboo ‘Abdillaah Muhammad ibn Nasr al-Marwazee [d.294] was one of the greatest of the third-century authorities on the Sunnah. One of the most highly-qualified and knowledgeable imaams of his era, he was recognized by the scholars for his specific expertise in issues that the early Salaf differed over. Great early historians, like Ibn Hibbaan, Aboo Is-haaq ash-Sheeraazee, and al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee referenced him as one of the leading authorities in detailed Fiqh issues which the Companions and their students (the Taabi’oon) differed over. [1]

The author of al-Muhallaa, Ibn Hazm, remarked that no one since the time of the Companions themselves had been more complete in their knowledge and understanding of the narrations than Muhammad ibn Nasr. [2]

Ath-Thahabee commented, “It is said that he was THE most knowledgeable of all scholars in entirety about matters of differing.” And he said, “He was from the most knowledgeable of the people in his era about the matters which the Companions and their students differed over. Rarely have people like him ever been seen.” [3]

It was this great early imaam who compiled an amazing book on the topic of the night prayers of Ramadhaan. Scholars who spoke on the topic throughout history have recognized this work as Continue reading

The Story of Jesus and the Third Loaf of Bread

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

A story about ‘Eesaa (Jesus), the son of Mary (Peace be upon him), and a greedy man who stole a loaf of bread, was told by an unreliable mid-second-century narrator, Layth ibn Abee Sulaym.[1] The story goes as follows:

[Allegedly] Jesus and a traveling companion had three loaves of bread. They stopped at a beach to eat, and each one of them had a loaf of bread. When Jesus stood up to wash his hands, he returned to find that the third loaf of bread was missing. He asked his companion about it, and he replied that he did not know about it.

They moved on [allegedly, as the story goes] until they encountered three deer – an adult and two fawns. Jesus called one of the fawns and it came. He then slaughtered it, and so they cooked it and ate part of it. Miraculously, Jesus ordered the fawn back to life by the Permission of Allaah, and so it stood up and left! Jesus then turned to the man and said, “I ask you by the One who has shown you this miracle, who took the third loaf of bread?” He answered, “I do not know.”

They [allegedly] moved on until they reached a flooded valley. Jesus took the man’s hand and they walked on top of the surface of the water! Jesus then Continue reading

Ibn al-Qayyim Explains the Disbelief of Ibn Sina (Avicenna)

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

Since the publication of our article, The Reality of Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Famous Scientist and Philosopher, many people have been asking for more detailed proofs that Ibn Sina was not actually a Muslim, specifically from his own beliefs.

This article provides more detailed proof about his specific beliefs from the writings of one of the most amazing scholars in Islamic history, Ibn Qayyim al-Jowziyyah (d.751), may Allaah have Mercy on him.

After Ibn al-Qayyim mentioned that Aboo Nasr al-Faaraabee (or Al-Farabi), like Ibn Sina, was upon an extreme deviation of the concepts promoted by Aristotle, including disbelief in Allaah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, and the Last Day, he went on to say:

Perhaps an ignorant person might say that we have dealt too harshly with them, ascribing them to disbelief in Allaah, His Angels, His Books, and His Messengers. This is not far-fetched for someone who is ignorant of both their writings and the reality of true Islaamic teachings.

[Disbelief in Allaah]

You should know: According to the teachings of the best of the modern philosophers, their voice, and their role model whom they prefer over the Messengers themselves, Aboo ‘Alee Ibn Sina, Allaah – Glorified and Exonorated above their claims – is merely one who exists in a general way, without having a single attribute, nor any chosen actions at all. He does not know anything about the universe at all. He does not know how many planets there are, nor does he know anything of the unseen. He does not speak, nor does He have any attribute at all (in their beliefs).

It should be clearly known that this concept is (that Allaah is) just an imaginary idea in one’s mind, having no reality. Its most apparent manifestation of this is when a person thinks of it and defines it in his mind, as he would imagine other theoretical concepts. This is certainly not the Lord to whose Way the Messengers called, the One whom the previous nations knew of.

The real Lord of the universe, the God of the Messengers, is clearly not this “lord” whom the heretics call to, stripping him of any real presence and any attribute or action, claiming he is neither part of the universe, nor beyond it, nor having any connection at all to it, nor being seperate from it, nor being in front of it or above it, nor on the left or right, etc. The difference between the two is like the difference between existence and non-existence, like the difference between affirming something and negating it (i.e. complete opposites)!

In fact, anything that could possibly exist would be more complete than this “god” who the heretics call to, the one their intellects have carved, while real carved idols have a real existence and this “lord” does not. He can only exist within the imagination!

All of this is the case, while these heretics are more correct Continue reading

The Reality of Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Famous Scientist and Philosopher

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

The famous fifth-century medical expert and philosopher, Ibn Sina, known to the West as “Avicenna”, is often credited as being one of the greatest Muslim scientists in history. His name is a celebrated one in many Muslim circles, and even hospitals and institutions of learning are named after him out of respect and admiration for his achievements.

While many Muslim scientists throughout history truly did pioneer many important medical and scientific breakthroughs, Muslims need to step back and re-examine what they have been led to believe about Ibn Sina specifically – Is it factually correct? Was he even a Muslim?

Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah on Ibn Sina

Aboo ‘Alee Al-Husayn ibn ‘Abdillaah ibn al-Hasan ibn ‘Alee ibn Sina (d.428) was born to a severely deviant Ismaa’eelee (Shiite) family, known for their severe blasphemy and hypocrisy, as mentioned by Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah.[1] In fact, as Ibn Taymiyyah said:

وأحسن ما يُظهرون دين الرفض وهم في الباطن يُبطنون الكفر المحض

“The best thing they showed openly was ar-Rafdh (being Raafhidah Shiites), while they concealed pure, absolute disbelief inwardly.” [1]

Ibn Taymiyyah confirmed this by mentioning that Ibn Sina himself identified his own family, his father, and his brother to all be from this severely deviant group that was exposed and declared outside of Islam by many scholars.

Ibn Taymiyyah further detailed how Ibn Sina attempted to blend what he learned from the deviant claimants to Islam, the Mu’tazliah and Raafidhah, with the polytheistic philosophy of Aristotle, and when he did so he deviated even further, Continue reading

Acts of Misplaced Loyalty: Following the Non-Muslims’ Calendar

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

In his discussion of the various impermissible ways some Muslims show misplaced loyalty and allegiance to the non-Muslims, senior Islamic scholar Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan (may Allaah preserve him) states:

#6 – Keeping track of the date using their calendars, especially those that highlight their rituals and holidays, like the Christian (Gregorian) Calendar

It (the Gregorian Calendar) is something that commemorates the birth of the Messiah (may Allaah grant him peace), and something which they invented themselves, not something from the Religion of the Messiah (may Allaah grant him peace). Using this calendar includes sharing with them in the preservation of their rituals and holidays.

To avoid this, the Companions (may Allaah be pleased with them) wanted to establish a calendar for the Muslims in the time of ‘Umar, the (second) Caliph. They ignored the previously established calendars of the disbelievers and began with the Messenger’s emigration (i.e. his hijrah to the city of al-Madeenah).

This proves the obligation to oppose the disbelievers in this and all other things which are specific to them, and Allaah is the One from whom we seek help.

Source: Al-Walaa’ wal-Baraa’ (pp.11-12), Daar al-Imaam Ahmad printing, 1434.

Important Notes:

[1] The English names of some of the months on the Gregorian Calendar have polytheistic origins rooted in Greek, Roman, and other mythology:

Did Imam Al-Bukhari say “My Recitation of the Quran is Created”?

In the Name of Allaah, the All-Merciful, the Ever Merciful…

A phrase of disbelief and one of the slogans that identify the Laf-thiyyah Cult from the offshoots of the disbelieving Jahmiyyah Sect was attributed to the greatest scholar of Hadeeth in the history of Islaam, al-Imaam Muhammad ibn Ismaa’eel al-Bukhaaree (d.256), may Allaah have Mercy on him.  This short phrase was attributed to him:

لفظي بالقرآن مخلوق

“My recitation of the Quran is created.”

According to the scholars of Islam, anyone who held this belief was considered a disbeliever, speaking with one of the distinguishing traits of the Laf-thiyyah Cult, who were considered far more dangerous than the original Jahmiyyah disbelievers.

The great imaam, Abul-Qaasim al-Laalakaa’ee (d.418), listed the names of the scholars who were reported to have declared those who say “My recitation of the Quran is created” to be disbelievers. He listed over 50 scholars, including: Continue reading

Shaykh Al-Albaanee Lights a Soofee Magician on Fire – Really!

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Ever Merciful…

The great scholar, Shaykh Muhammad Naasir ad-Deen al-Albaanee (d.1420) – may Allaah have Mercy on him – tells an amazing story about his encounter with a soofee performing acts of illusionary magic.  This story comes after his detailed academic discussion of the narration of Jundub (may Allaah be pleased with him) and its chains of transmission.

To summarize the story: A governer in Iraq during the the Caliphate of ‘Uthmaan ibn ‘Affaan was being entertained by a magician Continue reading

List of Accepted British Students 2011-2012: The Islamic University of al-Madeenah

In the Name of Allaah…

The Islamic Univeristy of al-Madeenah has just announced their list of accepted students from for 2011-2012.  The following names appear on the list of accepted British students (names may be spelled phonetically, with more than one mistake): 

  • abdulmajid mohamed hersi
  • Adnan Khan
  • HAROON METWALI Continue reading

List of Accepted Canadian Students 2011-2012: The Islamic University of al-Madeenah

In the Name of Allaah…

The Islamic Univeristy of al-Madeenah has just announced their list of accepted students from for 2011-2012.  The following names appear on the list of accepted Canadian students (names may be spelled phonetically, with more than one mistake): 

  • OMAR MAO Continue reading

List of Accepted American Students 2011-2012: The Islamic University of al-Madeenah

In the Name of Allaah…

The Islamic Univeristy of al-Madeenah has just announced their list of accepted students from for 2011-2012.  The following names appear on the list of accepted American students (names may be spelled phonetically, with more than one mistake): 


Detailed History of

In the Name of Allaah, the All-Merciful…

Here is a historical documentation of our updates (excluding updates to the Q&A Section) of articles and translations, from 1427 (2006) back to the first launch of the site as MAKKAHnet:

1427.01.11 — In Defense of the Prophet Muhammad

1427.01.07 — Unrestricted Moral Freedoms & Islam

1427.01.03 — 18 Benefits of Prayer

1426.11.19 — Muharramaat (#2)

1426.11.12 — Begging: Disgracing the Da’wah

1426.11.08 — Muharramaat (#1): Women you are Never Allowed to Marry

1426.08.08 — Was Imam Muslim a Hanbalee or a Shaafi’ee?

1426.05.13 — A Response to Those who Promote Women Leading Prayers

1426.03.02 — Buying and Selling Cats and Dogs

1425.11.10 — The Islamic Ruling on Magic and Magicians

1425.08.10 — Mockery of the Religion is Disbelief

1425.04.09 — Hidaayatur-Raaghib (#2)

1425.02.22 — Hidaayatur-Raaghib (#1)

1425.02.10 — Important Notes About the Hadeeths Used in Hisnul-Muslim #1

1425.02.05 — Did You Know…? (#2)

1424.12.22 — ‘Exemplary Foundations’ Midterm Exam (p.11-92)

1424.11.28 — Naseehah to Allaah and to the Muslims

1424.10.02 — The Characteristics of the True Believer

1424.09.04 — Ibn ‘Uthaymeen on the Number of Rak’ahs of Taraaweeh

1424.09.01 — Ramadan Spotlight

1424.07.18 — Holding to the Qur’aan and the Sunnah

1424.06.24 — Translating From Material

1424.06.11 — The Reality of Al-‘Izz Ibn ‘Abdis-Salaam

1424.02.18 — Revealing One’s Identity on Internet Forums and Discussion Groups

1424.02.15 — 15 Unauthentic Narrations About the Qur’aan

1424.01.19 — Islaamic University of Al-Madeenah

1424.01.11 — Entire site reviewed, fixed links, other minor changes

1423.12.08 — New Interactive Section with Did You Know…?

1423.11.26 — Book Reviews

1423.10.06 — Nine Great Benefits of Reading and Reflecting Over the Qur’aan

1423.08.29 — Unity When Fasting and on the Day of the ‘Eed

1423.08.15 — The Virtue of the 15th Night of Sha’baan

1423.07.01 — Lessons From the Noble Qur’aan

1423.06.25 — Questions & Answers

1423.06.22 — The Linguistic Meaning of Ikhtilaaf / The Meaning of Ikhtilaaf as Found in the Book and the Sunnah

1423.06.13 — Life is a Fitnah!

1423.06.06 — Places in Saudi Arabia Virtual Tour / Can We Write “SAWS” in Place of “Sallallaahu ‘Alayhe wa Sallam”?

1423.06.05 — Info about Daar Al-Hadeeth / Info about Al-Imaam University / What You Must Know Before You Go

1423.05.30 — Does One Say “Allaahu Akbar” When Prostrating for a Verse of Prostration? / Books of the Sunnah & Their Authors

1423.05.23 — The Strong Believer / Search Engine / Updates / The Best of

1423.05.16 — Interactive Forum / Question of the Week / From the Life and Works of Imaam Ahmad / Copyright Policy

1423.05.15 — Educational Resources / Upcoming Events / Wrestling is From the Sunnah!

1423.05.12 — What’s Wrong With Fiqhus-Sunnah? / Photo Galleries / Umm Al-Quraa Photo Gallery / Link to Us

1423.05.11 — When is the Time of ‘Eshaa’ Prayer Over? / Responding to the Salaams of the Jews and Christians /

1423.05.08 — Articles / The Superiority of the Prophet (removed) / The Ruling on Splitting Into Groups & Parties

1423.05.08 — Studying Islaam Overseas / Umm Al-Quraa / FAQs About Umm Al-Quraa / The Wasiyyah of Al-Albaanee

1423.05.07 — Where’s MAKKAHnet? / About / Glossary / To the New Muslim / To Our Non-Muslim Visitors / Why Are We Here?

1423.05.07 — Life in Makkah / Makkah’s Masjids / Makkah’s Neighboring Cities

1423.05.07 — launched! / Main Page


1422-11-13 — Part 9 of LESSONS: Tawheed Expounded Upon in Aayatul-Kursee

1422-11-12 — Part 8 of LESSONS: The Wisdom Behind Allaah’s Repetitive Affirmation of Ar-Ruboobiyyah

1422-11-11 — Part 7 of LESSONS: The Qur’aan Defines the Three Categories of Tawheed

1422-09-18 — Unauthentic Narrations About the Qur’aan PART 2

1422-08-08 — Unauthentic Narrations About the Qur’aan

1422-07-02 — Part 5: Al-Haakimiyyah and Part 6 from Lessons from the Noble Qur’aan (Al-Fawzaan)

1422-06-22 — A Digest of Authentic and Unauthentic Narrations and LESSONS #4 (Al-Fawzaan)

1422-06-20 — Al-Bayqooniyyah (‘arabic text only in two pages)

1422-06-19 — The Categories of Tawheed by Saalih Al-Fawzaan

1422-06-17 — The Meaning of Tawheed by Saalih Al-Fawzaan

1422-06-15 — Lessons From the Noble Qur’aan by Saalih Al-Fawzaan

1422-06-03 — The Ruling on Splitting Into Parties and Groups by Al-Albaanee

1422-05-24 — The Superiority of Makkah Over All Other Places

1422-05-19 — The Excellence of the ‘Arabian Peninsula

1422-05-12 — The Sanctuary of Makkah article added

1422-05-06 — The Special Characteristics of Makkah index page and The Many Names of Makkah

1422-04-18 — The Prohibition of Backbiting (PART TWO)

1422-04-17 — The Prohibition of Backbiting (PART ONE)

1422-02-21 — ‘Arabic Tests from Umm Al-Quraa University

1422-02-12 — Narrations Describing the Prophet’s Intercession (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam)

1422-02-10 — Part 4 of Superiority

1422-02-02 — Quiz Seven and the final exam of PPD Course, and course schedule finished w/ answer keys

1422-01-27 — Quiz Five and Six of PPD Course

1422-01-24 — Quiz Three and Four of The Prophet’s Prayer Described Course (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam)

1422-01-19 — Part 3 of Superiority

1422-01-17 — Part 2 of Superiority

1422-01-16 — The Superiority of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) Main Page & Part 1

1422-01-10 — Quiz One and Two of The Prophet’s Prayer Described Course

1422-01-09 — Bookshelf added with MAKKAHtests link

1421-12-20 — Article – Nine Great Benefits

1421-12-17 — MAKKAHpics! and an article – The Wasiyyah (Will) of Shaykh Al-Albaanee

1421-12-14 — Article – The Attributes of the Strong Believer

1421-11-27 — Information about Al-Imaam University in Ar-Riyaadh

1421-11-17 — Umm Al-Quraa Application now downloadable!

1421-11-15 — EEMAAN Series – Part Four (Belief in the Messengers)

1421-11-14 — Article – Replying to the Jews’ Salaams by Al-Albaanee

1421-11-12 — Information about Daar Al-Hadeeth Al-Khayriyyah

1421-11-08 — EEMAAN Series – Part Three (Belief in the Books)

1421-11-07 — Article – What You Must Know Before You Go

1421-11-06 — Articles: Time for ‘Eshaa’ and Wrestling

1421-11-05 — EEMAAN Series – Intro, Part One (Allaah), and Part Two (Angels)

1421-11-04 — Frequently Asked Questions about Studying at Umm Al-Quraa University

1421-11-03 — A Student’s Life and pics added to My Neighborhood and Masjids of Makkah

1421-11-02 — Umm Al-Quraa University and Advice About Joking

1421-10-29 — Articles – Sujood Ash-Shukr and Da’wah Letter

1421-10-28 — Links page and Neighboring Cities

1421-10-27 — My Neighborhood

1421-10-26 — Schools and scholars listed

1421-10-25 — Main page and its links finished

1421-10-24 — Site directory designed