Vaccines are Permissible; Differing on the Topic Ended Long Ago, as Salafi Scholars Have Said

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

Recently, we learned from our respected scholar, Shaykh ‘Abdullah al-Bukhary (may Allah preserve him), that the scholarly differing over the permissibility of vaccines had actually come to an end long ago, when he informed us:

 فقد تكلم أهل العلم حول هذه القضية منذ زمن طويل لما بدأ ظهر أمر اللقاحات حصل بين ذلك أخذ وعطاء فيما مضى، ثم استقر الأمر على أن هذا الأمر من الأمور التي لا تنافي التوكل ولا تضادُّه، إنما هي من الأخذ بالأسباب الشرعية

“…The people of knowledge have indeed spoken about this issue, a long time ago, when the issue of vaccinations first came about. Some back and forth discussion took place in the past, until the matter was settled, that this is one of those issues that does not invalidate tawakkul (trusting Allah) nor contradict it. It is merely an issue of taking legislated steps [of safety]…”

Source: The recently published article, “Is it Sinful to Discourage People From Taking the Covid-19 Vaccine?” (click here to read)

This was surprising for many to learn about, as some had presumed that the scholars still differed over this topic. One might say: “Perhaps Shaykh Abdullah al-Bukhary misspoke when saying this, as we have not heard this from the people of knowledge (other than him), and claiming consensus is a very serious issue, as an established consensus among the scholars actually ends the discussion.”  Continue reading

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen: Did the Prophet Make Human Errors? What About Personal Sins?

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Al–Merciful…

[Our shaykh, the great scholar of Islaam, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have Mercy on him), posed an important question that many Muslims debate about, and answered it with sound evidence, showing the weakness of the stance of those who would disagree, saying…]

Could human errors ( الخطأ ) have occurred from the Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace)?

The answer: The Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) said:

(( اللهم اغسلني من خطاياي ))
(( O Allaah!  Cleanse me of my mistakes… ))

So he directly ascribed “mistakes” ( خطايا ) to himself.  He also Continue reading

Catching the Rak’ah of Congregational Prayer


If someone joins the congregation while the imaam is making rukoo’, has he caught that rak’ah? And what do you know about the position of those who say that he has not caught that rak’ah and it must be repeated?

ANSWER by Shaykh Muhammad ‘Umar Baazmool, Instructor at Umm Al-Quraa University in Makkah

This is an old issue, an issue of great differing amongst the scholars: Does the person who reaches the congregation during the rukoo’ get credit for that rak’ah or not?

The majority of the scholars Continue reading