Is it Sinful to Discourage People From Taking the Covid-19 Vaccine? [Shaykh Abdullah al-Bukhary]

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

The following is a recent question posed to Shaykh Dr. ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abdir-Raheem Al-Bukhary (may Allah bless and preserve him) [1]. His insightful answer is yet another example of how our well-known and reliable scholars continue to offer sober and consistent advice during this pandemic about how Muslims are not to delve into these serious and crucial matters of safety and public concern, but rather we are to leave them for the qualified scholars of the Religion responsible for issuing such verdicts. May Allah allow this beneficial answer to reach receptive hearts.

The following is a transcript of the Arabic text of the question and its answer, along with an English translation:

هذا سائل آخر يقول هل يأثم من يُزهِّد في أخذ اللقاح ضد هذا الوباء الكورونا ويشكك فيه؟

QUESTION: Here is another questioner who asks: “Is a person sinful for discouraging [people] from taking the vaccine against this disease, Corona[virus], and for casting doubt on it?”

ANSWER by Shaykh Dr. Abdullah ibn ‘Abdir-Raheem al-Bukhary (may Allah preserve him):

هذه القضية خاض فيها كثيرون، والخائضون في هذا كثير، هذه المسألة بارك الله فيكم لها شِقَّان، لها شِقَّان: شِقٌ شرعيٌ، شِقٌ شرعي متعلق من الناحية الشرعية، وشقٌ طبي أو صحي متعلق من النواحي الطبية.

This is an issue that many people have spoken about. Those who have spoken about it are many. This issue, may Allah bless you, has two sides. It has two sides: one side relative to Islamic rulings, and the other side is Continue reading

The Reality of Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Famous Scientist and Philosopher

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

The famous fifth-century medical expert and philosopher, Ibn Sina, known to the West as “Avicenna”, is often credited as being one of the greatest Muslim scientists in history. His name is a celebrated one in many Muslim circles, and even hospitals and institutions of learning are named after him out of respect and admiration for his achievements.

While many Muslim scientists throughout history truly did pioneer many important medical and scientific breakthroughs, Muslims need to step back and re-examine what they have been led to believe about Ibn Sina specifically – Is it factually correct? Was he even a Muslim?

Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah on Ibn Sina

Aboo ‘Alee Al-Husayn ibn ‘Abdillaah ibn al-Hasan ibn ‘Alee ibn Sina (d.428) was born to a severely deviant Ismaa’eelee (Shiite) family, known for their severe blasphemy and hypocrisy, as mentioned by Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah.[1] In fact, as Ibn Taymiyyah said:

وأحسن ما يُظهرون دين الرفض وهم في الباطن يُبطنون الكفر المحض

“The best thing they showed openly was ar-Rafdh (being Raafhidah Shiites), while they concealed pure, absolute disbelief inwardly.” [1]

Ibn Taymiyyah confirmed this by mentioning that Ibn Sina himself identified his own family, his father, and his brother to all be from this severely deviant group that was exposed and declared outside of Islam by many scholars.

Ibn Taymiyyah further detailed how Ibn Sina attempted to blend what he learned from the deviant claimants to Islam, the Mu’tazliah and Raafidhah, with the polytheistic philosophy of Aristotle, and when he did so he deviated even further, Continue reading

Did Imam Al-Bukhari say “My Recitation of the Quran is Created”?

In the Name of Allaah, the All-Merciful, the Ever Merciful…

A phrase of disbelief and one of the slogans that identify the Laf-thiyyah Cult from the offshoots of the disbelieving Jahmiyyah Sect was attributed to the greatest scholar of Hadeeth in the history of Islaam, al-Imaam Muhammad ibn Ismaa’eel al-Bukhaaree (d.256), may Allaah have Mercy on him.  This short phrase was attributed to him:

لفظي بالقرآن مخلوق

“My recitation of the Quran is created.”

According to the scholars of Islam, anyone who held this belief was considered a disbeliever, speaking with one of the distinguishing traits of the Laf-thiyyah Cult, who were considered far more dangerous than the original Jahmiyyah disbelievers.

The great imaam, Abul-Qaasim al-Laalakaa’ee (d.418), listed the names of the scholars who were reported to have declared those who say “My recitation of the Quran is created” to be disbelievers. He listed over 50 scholars, including: Continue reading